Haarlem Art Space
Five months since I left the beautiful studios and rural landscapes of Ayrshire and I'm starting to get itchy feet. I've been searching...
Nature > Architecture
Coming to the end of my residency I naturally came to question my time spent here. Being my own worst/best critic I couldn't help but...
Drawing/Painting/Sculpture/ Photography
So here is a peak(e) of some of my works over the past three weeks! Starting with the architectural drawings: These drawing/collages take...
Residue & Restoration
Taking to the woodlands with two big blue IKEA bags, I went in search for some discarded old wood to experiment with. As much as I would...
The Royal School of Drawing
Artist residency with The Royal School of Drawing at Dumfries House, Cumnock, Scotland
Strange Attractors
MA Degree Show 2016, Birmingham School of Art, BCU